Work In Progress - 3D Printing - Body

“This is the time to give you a reason

This is the time to bare my soul

This is the time to tell you the real truth

Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law”

- Unloved - This is the time

Like the song, This is the time to tell you the real truth about Chewthulhu,

Many of my friends who already know about Chewthulhu thought that he has 2 mouth.

No, just one. Just the one at his tummy. Blehhhhh.

Remember, eat fast shit fast.

2020-02-26 08.26.02 5.jpg

Just the other day, I actually got my very first feedback on my blog post and I was pretty excited about it until she told me this,

Too Long, Didn’t read. -_-”

There I was thinking if I should be a calculating person and retaliate but Nahhhhhhhhhh was my answer.

I admit, I can be a loquacious person at times, “AT TIMES”.

If you like my work so far, please do follow my Facebook and Instagram page.



Do share them with your friends too. Appreciate it. THANK YOU.

As the Covid virus is in a nightmare situation right now. Do stay safe and take care of yourself.

Avoid crowded places. Wash your hand before you touch your face, eyes mouth etc. Wear a mask if you aren’t feeling well and see a doctor immediately.

Take more fruits and Vitamin C to boost your immunity system. Take care and stay healthy.